Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Special Events Golden Wedding

A keepsake of a Golden Wedding Event 23rd January 1998.
Read about my Mum's experience seeing a  UFO...extract below

Unusual Experiences
From early in life Joan seems to have had to come to grips with life’s realities in practical ways to cope and survive through good times and hard times.  In this same manner she has also accepted some unusual experiences which have occurred at times in her life.  One of these occurred at quite a young age.
When she was about 8 years old Joan was sent off to bring in the cows handy to the yard.  Walking around the creek to a higher position from which to get a better view, she then saw an unusual object in the shape of a vacuum cleaner.  It had flashing lights of red and green.  Joan ran across the cultivated land in terror.  After that she didn’t remember anything for awhile and when she came to it was nearly dark so she hurried home.  Her mother met her with a hurricane lantern and wanted to know where she had been.  Joan told her what she had seen and they went back to where the object had been.  All that was left was a burnt patch in the grass.

1 comment:

  1. If family members would like to download a copy please contact me by email.
