Thursday, December 2, 2010

My New Android Phone - Technology So Amazing!

My son gave me an early Christmas present. He decided to upgrade his phone plan to the new HTC Desire Android phone so he gave me his Wildfire HTC phone. It took me awhile to get familiar with the features and personalise it. I can sync my gmail, calendars, socialise on facebook and more. When I am home, I often would be on my desktop computer and leave my mobile in my bag or somewhere else in our large home which meant I miss calls and messages often when it was too late. (Developers have thought of everything.) A little application called Android Notifier solved this problem I set this up on my PC with Growl and receive notifications on my PC that are being sent to my phone. I am pleased as punch! I discovered another app called Goggles that is available. This app allows me to search the web by taking a photograph from my phone of a landmark eg story bridge, painting, wine label, business card and it will search the web and give you eg painting artist name, simply amazing!!! 
I experiented with it yesterday on a card that my husband gave me. He gives me beautiful cards. Funny thing it scanned another picture of a card that my Dad gave me - a white little dog near a picnic basket and flowers. It brought it up on the web site. The language was french, which could be translated. 
Wow!! Technology so amazing. I own an Itouch which I use to listen to music and audio books etc. I think now that I have the best of both. I now vote for the Android phone over Iphone. I can back up all my SMSs, sync with my google calendar (with text reminders), gmail, facebook, chat. I have setup my computer which now notifies me if my mobile rings, get a text, battery low. I am wrapped.

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